Useful Links
This website is a useful program to put on your computer. You can install a good amount of free things. You can get free Bibles, concordances, and Bible dictionaries. There are also some good ones that you could buy. Just a warning, this program is non-Christadelphian and so caution should be used when consulting the study notes, dictionaries and commentaries as they may contain false doctrine.
This website was made by Christadelphians. This website contains classes from around the world from different Bible classes, Ecclesias, Bible schools, etc. It contains classes from different speakers and sometimes, their notes that they used. This is a good resource for listening to classes.
This website was also made by Christadelphians. This website contains more classes and notes from around the world. This has a good amount of classes from well know speakers. This website also has a good amount of useful links. It provides links to other useful tools, Christadelphian websites, etc.
This is a good website for when you have internet on you. This website has a lot of different versions of Bibles, and, you do not need to pay for them!
This is another good website for when you have internet. This site has more than Bibles. This site has some other useful tools like maps, dictionaries, and other tools.
This is a another good website made by Christadelphians. This is another site that helps you to be a better Bible student. This website has classes, pamphlets, etc. You can also get a tutor and some help when you have any Bible related questions.
This is another website that is useful to use. This is another site that is a good study tool. It has our believes, ecclesia locations, software, etc. This site is also helpful on ways to stay active in the ecclesia.
This website is really useful for your younger years. This website is used for people who need help are are in times of difficulty. This is good especially for your teen years. You can find topics on your issue, contact people about it, etc. It is a good way to keep in touch with people and not to feel left out.
This website is good for those who do not want to buy the Wrested Scriptures book. Wrested Scriptures is a book about passages that are hard to understand and are easily misunderstood. This book/website describes a lot of different subjects up close and some verses from those subjects. This website is also good for Bible marking.
This is another great site about out beliefs. Like some other sites, this website has our beliefs, software, tools, etc. It is another good site to look at.
This site is useful because you can view all of the books that are at the library. This site is really useful! This site is made by Tom Graham and it has all of the stuff that is in the Christadelphian Library. You can easily search for a book, CD, software, etc. and get the price. This site is really helpful for when you are looking for something.
